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Helping you navigate through the complexities of car accident claims.

Every 6 seconds someone is injured in a car accident in Maryland, the consequences of which range from a bruise to a burial. When you find yourself the victim of a car accident through no fault of your own it is imperative that you quickly assess your injuries and if possible begin to preserve any evidence.

If you are able to do so, take the following steps:

  1. Determine the severity of your injuries and call an ambulance if necessary.
  2. Call the police and make a police report.
  3. Photograph the scene.
  4. Photograph your car.
  5. Photograph the at-fault driver’s car.
  6. Photograph the area where the cars came “to rest.”
  7. Move the vehicles from the flow of traffic if possible.
  8. Obtain the insurance information of the negligent driver. If the driver is not forthcoming with the insurance information, photograph the license plate.
  9. Get the names and telephone numbers of any witnesses.
  10. Call your insurance company and alert them of the accident.

As soon as you are well enough, contact an experienced attorney who will advise you of your legal rights.

Get in Touch
We are dedicated to serving your legal needs and will fight for you until your case is won. Contact us at 301-246-6698 today for a free consultation!